Tuesday, November 21, 2023

You Couldn't Make This Up -- If You Tried. Yet ANOTHER Order, From Judge Moses Tonight -- But No Unsealing Of The Prior One (ECF Doc. No. 44) . Sheesh.

I am not entirely sure whether she expects the parties to take this latest late evening order. . . seriously, tonight. Or really -- it might be just to say "wait and watch what I do next Monday /Tuesday."

That is, perhaps she intends to dismiss the entire injunction proceeding sought by Texas, for the utter failure of Texas, to make any on the record, good faith effort to meet her discovery order.

That would at least make her look "stupid / wise like a fox" -- over all of this noncompliant posturing.

In truth though, I think she's going to tell only the feds (despite the truly Herculean efforts the federal Border Patrol folks made -- as we have documented -- to meet her crazy discovery order) that they lose -- and the injunction will stand, and Border Patrol will have to appeal to the Fifth Circuit after Monday's hearing. Yep -- these truly are. . . crazy times:

. . .SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER: It is ORDERED that based on today's virtual conference and the parties' previous filing (ECF No. 36), the temporary restraining order initially issued on October 30, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. and then extended to November 27, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. be extended to November 29, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. on the consent of the parties, which will provide the Court enough time to render a timely decision on the pending preliminary injunction motion; and

It is FURTHER ORDERED that the Defendants have until November 27, 2023 at 10 a.m. to produce outstanding documents that the Court ordered on November 9, 2023 to be produced, as modified by the Court's November 15, 2023 order, through a virtual link that the Court has already sent to the parties. . . .

Signed by Chief Judge Alia Moses. . . .

Again -- with the billions of pages?! Whoah. . . cra-cra.


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