Saturday, November 18, 2023

Update: The 40 Trapped Himalayan Miners Have Essentials, But New Cave-Ins Halt Rescue…

Through a vent shaft, the 40 trapped borers / miners have been supplied with light, oxygen, food, water and medicines -- and are able to communicate via walkie-talkie with surface rescue crews.

That's all well and good, but ongoing fracturing / fissures in the bedrock have led to a pause in drilling efforts -- to reach them.

Here is AlJazeera on it all:

. . .Indian rescue workers have paused efforts to reach 40 men trapped in a collapsed highway tunnel over fears of more cave-ins.

Rescuers temporarily suspended work on Friday after a “large-scale cracking sound” was heard while trying to restart a drilling machine, the National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation (NHIDCL) said.

The sound created “a panic situation” for rescuers and there was a “strong possibility of further collapse”, the NHIDCL said. . . .

Now you know. We will keep a close watch, as we earlier said. Do keep a good thought. . . these people need some positive ju ju, in their Himalayan rescue efforts. Onward.


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