Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The "Rat Miners" Have Reached -- And Rescued, All 41 Himalayan Miners -- With Jack-Legs, And Belly Work...

Very good news, indeed this morning from Northern India.

All 41 miners are safely top-side now, and in generally pretty good physical condition. [Mental condition is a far-longer term matter. . . to be fair.] Here's the latest, from CNN:

. . .Cheers greeted a group of 41 workers as they were successfully removed from a collapsed tunnel under the Himalayas on Tuesday, the climax of a 17-day rescue operation to drill through rock and debris.

It took weeks to bore an escape route for the workers through the mountain, with the last two meters drilled by hand, before the rescued men eventually emerged. . . .

The men had been trapped since November 12 when the part of tunnel they were helping to construct in India’s northern Uttarakhand state gave way, blocking their only exit with more than 60 meters (200 feet) of broken rock, concrete and twisted metal. . . .

The tunnel is part of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Char Dham Highway route, a controversial multimillion dollar project to upgrade. the country’s transport network and improve connectivity to important Hindu pilgrimage sites in the region. . . .

Grinning, ear to ear. Now you know. But. . . other than incremental cost, there is no reason why a vent shaft shouldn't always be cut at least the width of one human body, for hoisting out vertically, in just such an emergency. [It ought to be. . . malpractice, not to do so. The overall cost difference between a six inch vertical pipe and a 24 inch one. . . is vary small. It is primarily. . . greed that dictates the six inch pipe.] Out.


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