Monday, November 27, 2023

[Tangent, As We Await Del Rio, Texas Outcome] Another Case Of Musk Being Unable / Unwilling "To Read... Any Room", Actually.

Well. . . when you can't read the room. . . you end up spending a lot of time doing damage control. . . and apology tours. That is Musk's life now.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Here's the NYT on it all, and a bit:

. . .Elon Musk traveled to Israel and met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, touring the scene of a Hamas attack in a visit that appeared aimed at calming the outcry over his endorsement of an antisemitic conspiracy theory on X, the social media platform he owns. . . .

Dozens of major brands suspended their advertising on X after Mr. Musk this month agreed with a post that accused Jewish communities of pushing “hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.” The flight of advertisers threatened to cost X tens of millions of dollars, and the White House denounced Mr. Musk for “abhorrent promotion of antisemitic and racist hate.”

On Tuesday... Mr. Musk wrote on X that “actions speak louder than words.” Wearing a flak jacket, he toured Kfar Aza, an Israeli kibbutz where dozens of people were killed during the Hamas terrorist attack on Oct. 7
. . . .

So it goes, with Elon -- I truly believe he is on the autistic spectrum, or said another way, just this out of touch, on the emotional intelligence scale.

That does NOT excuse any of it, as he ought to get educated before he speaks -- but this is now a nearly decade long pattern of his: blast out something idiotic (or worse); then either deny it happened (cave rescue insults) or end up on an apology tour (defaming his own pre-acquisition Twitter staff, and operations) -- as here.



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