Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Rahway To Acquire Caraway Therapeutics — Parkinson’s Preclinical — For Up To $610 Million…

Of course, as the graphic suggests, Merck already owns a sizeable chunk of the associated R&D, from prior round investments into Dr. Moran's lab company, in 2019 -- which was then called Rheostat.

The list of other prior investors. . . includes some very well regarded minds. All of which suggests there may actually be a future drug franchise, or maybe even. . . several, here. We shall see -- and a bit:

. . .Merck will acquire Caraway Therapeutics for a total potential consideration of up to $610 million, the companies said on Tuesday, to build on its treatment pipeline of nervous system-related diseases.

Merck, through a subsidiary, will acquire all outstanding shares of Caraway for an undisclosed upfront payment and earnout milestones linked to the development of certain drugs Caraway has in the pipeline. . . .

Onward. . . grinning. Just when I say we don't cover immaterial matters at Merck, M&A is always the exception. Clearly not material today, but very easily could soon be -- for Rahway. Now you know.


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