Thursday, November 23, 2023

I Guess The "Spilled Toothpicks" Of Ionized Hydrogen... Are The Oddest Things In This Image.

Just closing this out now. Welp. Exactly. . . why would ionized hydrogen (illustrated by dotted pink lines, here) -- at the center of our Milky Way, at least, be aligned in randomly oriented long "needles", something like toothpicks spilled from a box, onto the floor -- where each toothpick is perhaps dozens of light years long?! That's a mystery cosmologists will ponder in the next decades.

I'll also. . . marvel that this bit of space science has an UNDERGRAD, at the University of Virginia, as its principal investigator. Well done, Samuel Crowe! [He is being advised and supervised by a full professor, to be fair.] But that's one whale of a resume builder, for a 20 year old:

"➢ Discovered an entirely new form of ionized hydrogen structures -- many light years across -- at the center of the Milky Way, in Sag C. . ." Wow.


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