Saturday, November 25, 2023

Fourth Update: The Horizontal Auger In The Himalayas Is Eighty-Sixed. Cannot Be Repaired (Going To Hand-Drilling); But Vertical Shaft Drilling Continues...

While there is only about 40 linear-foot of horizontal drift yet to drill out, the continuing slippage of bad rock there makes it "two ahead; one back". And now, the horizontal auger -- a huge, hulking piece of black soot belching diesel machinery, has completely broken down -- it must be replaced. and so, a new one is wending its way overland from the south by eighteen wheeled truck. [Prior post here.]

The only good news it that the vertical shaft work is progressing, with a new overhead driller. At this point it looks like the team needs to drill out almost 360 feet, to get to the miners. So -- as I said, we are perhaps a month away from the miners' emergence from the dark. Here's a Saturday-datelined ABC report:

. . .The [horizontaal] drilling machine broke down late Friday while making its way through the rubble, stones and metal, forcing the rescuers to work by hand to remove debris in hopes of reaching the stranded workers, but the whole operation has currently ground to a halt.

Arnold Dix, an international expert assisting the rescue team at the accident site in the mountainous Uttarakhand state, said it is unclear when the drilling will start again.

“The machine is busted. It is irreparable,” he told reporters. “The mountain has once again resisted the auger (machine).”

Dix said the rescuers would need to pull out the entire drilling machine and replace it to restart the digging. He didn't specify how much time it would take. . . .

We are mindful that hot food, water and fresh air are all being delivered, on the regular -- but getting them all out is still a fair piece off. Do keep them in your meditations -- they need more good ju ju.


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