Friday, November 17, 2023

Florida's "Anti-Drag Performances" Law Will Remain Blocked, Through All Appeals -- As Gov. DeSantis Just Lost, At The Supremes, Seeking Cert.

The posture of this case differs substantially from the Friends of George's case (which we've been covering) -- as does the actual text of the law -- less substantially.

But just as in Memphis this past summer, a USDC Court in Florida earlier had enjoined Florida Senate Bill 1438 (as signed by Gov. DeSantis in May) -- as likely violating the federal First Amendment. And the Supremes just refused to change that.

So, this one is on a normal Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals timeline once again -- and the law may not be enforced anywhere in all of Florida, against. . . anyone. Here's the bit, signed by six Justices, overnight:

. . .In sum, because this Court is not likely to grant certiorari on the only issue presented in Florida’s stay application, it is appropriate for the Court to deny the application. . . .

Now you know. Sanity. . . bit by bit. . . is making a comeback. Grin.


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