Thursday, November 30, 2023

As With Every Time Prior, Gov. Abbott Will Lose, Resoundingly -- In His Fifth Cir. Appeal, On Razor Wire Barriers. YAWN.

So (as we said this morning), once again, Greg Abbott lost.

A G A I N.

On an attempt to enjoin clear federal authority, at the border.

That's utterly unsurprising.

What is stultifying. . . is that his lawyers (Paxson, primarily) cannot understand how federal law works.

They will lose, just as they did in '19, '20, '21 and most recently in 2023 -- on the Tipton nonsense orders -- in trying to enjoin federal agents. . . from doing their jobs.

But -- as we all know -- this is strictly political / fund-raising fodder, for the rubes, down there. This is the MAGA GOP bleeding Texas idiots dry, for Quixotic attacks on a boogeyman that is solely resident in their collective. . . imaginations.

Damn. But now you know. Onward -- smiling. Ever, smiling.


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