Tuesday, November 14, 2023

As I Expected (With Aid Of A GOP Appointed West Texas Federal Judge), Texas Will Try To Keep A Temporary Halt On Destroying The Land Razor Wire Barrier In Place...

I hate to say so, but it sure looks like the ancillary goal of all this, from Chief USDC Judge Moses, in West Texas, is to slow walk any removal of the land based razor wire barriers Gov. Abbott put in place last year -- those barriers that are injuring federal agents, and hampering safe processing of asylum seekers near Eagle Pass, Texas. We expect (as we reported last week) some explicit confirmation of this theory later today, when the State of Texas moves to delay document production into mid December.

Yesterday afternoon in a USDC, WDTX filing, though, we saw the "we intend" warning -- that a delay would be sought, thus:

. . .The Defendants intend to apprise the Court tomorrow of their capabilities to comply with the Court’s order for production of documents and plan to move to modify the scope of the order. . . .

The prior order was pretty breathtakingly broad -- and likely seeks materials exempt from being revealed in this litigation, as governmental "deliberative documents" -- and likely on both sides.

This, in turn, sets up a potential side show piece of litigation -- and gets Texas some additional delay, on the removal of the barriers. All of that is, unless. . . unless the Chief at right acts forcefully, very shortly, to enforce long-settled US federal law. . . on whose job border control really is (hint: it is NOT the State of Texas -- it is the federal agencies). Now you know. Onward.


1 comment:

condor said...

Hey you… once at 8:21 am — smiling; say hello?!