Sunday, November 26, 2023

Another Chinese Coal Mine Disaster: February 2023 -- At Least 53 Dead Or "Missing" In Alxa League, Inner Mongolia, Open Pit Landslide...

As by far the largest burner (and thus miner) of dirty coal, planet-wide -- Beijing and many other cities are often dusk-like at noon, for all the coal soot in the air.

But while the coal in those cities powers vital factories and keeps millions of ordinary homes lit and heated -- much of the coal in remote northern China -- in Inner Mongolia for example, is used (against government decrees) for Bitcoin mining.

Here "the mountains are high, and the Emperor [Xi] is very far away" is the rule that applies. So, too -- even as to mine safety standards, with many Muslim migrants serving as the labor / landslide fodder. This is the latest large coal mine disaster, in China -- with 53 dead, as of last February -- and a bit, from The LA Times' reporting then:

. . .Rescuers with backhoes and bulldozers dug through tons of earth and rubble for 48 people missing after a landslide buried an open-pit mine in northern China on Thursday. Chinese broadcaster CCTV reported that the death toll in the disaster rose to five. [Ed. Note: no others were ever reported to be found alive -- and this is Xi's "management of information" -- only 5 dead miners is a small matter; declare the other 48 (53 total) as just "missing". And no follow up report. Same thing happened in the Chinese gold mine cave in of January 2021 -- total fatalities were likely over 50; five were reported dead; 11 reported rescued.]

Conditions in the area remain dangerous, and the search had to be suspended for several hours after a second landslide at the gigantic facility in Inner Mongolia’s Alxa League. . . .

I will likely only post these additions to the series. . . when there is no big pharma news, on a week day -- or on weekends. Onward, out into the thick slowly wheeling white flakes now steadily falling here. Smiling in spite of myself.


1 comment:

condor said...

Once, at 11:27 pm… hey you — we are both getting some rain overnight. Smile — haunted by waters….