Wednesday, November 1, 2023

ACLU In Tennessee Seeks Supremes' Review Of Feckless Purported Law: Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-33-101...

This afternoon, the ACLU filed to have the Supremes ultimately harmonize the nation's Circuit Courts of Appeal, by siding with the Eighth Cir., which held last year that laws like Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-33-101. . . are unconstitutional on their face.

Now we await the Supremes' grant of cert., here -- and a bit:

. . .L.W., Ryan Roe, and John Doe are three transgender adolescents who have lived in Tennessee all their lives. After years of suffering severe distress from gender dysphoria—and after careful deliberation with their doctors and the informed consent of their parents -- L.W., Ryan, and John each found tremendous relief from doctor-prescribed, gender affirming medication. They now face severe physical and emotional harm because Tennessee has prohibited them from accessing the medical treatment they need. And their parents -- Samantha and Brian Williams, Rebecca Roe, and Jane and James Doe -- are each living a parent’s worst nightmare at the prospect of watching their children lose the prescribed healthcare that has enabled them to thrive.

Transgender adolescents like Petitioners have been receiving such care for decades. But in the past three years, Tennessee and 20 other states have banned these treatments altogether, forcing families to upend their lives and move out of state to ensure that their children get the medical treatment they need. District courts across the country have enjoined these bans preliminarily or permanently. The Eighth Circuit has affirmed one of those injunctions in Arkansas. . . .

Now you know. Onward -- to a grant, and harmonization -- from the nation's highest court.


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