Thursday, October 26, 2023

Very Solid Q3 '23 From Rahway... Let's Ease Off The "Patent Cliff" Alarmism, Mmmkay?

Look -- I get it. Most analysts work for a larger firm; one that has a side of the house that makes its bread and butter on selling securities -- creating churn / brokerage commissions.

And, of course, if this $60 billion company finds no new drugs or other uses for existing ones, it will hit a patent wall at around 2035 or so (most analysts don't understand patent thickets / evergreening). But between this morning, and 2035. . . there will be LOTS of ink spilled, if that is shaping up to be the case. You will have dozens of opportunities to exit closer to a market top.

In sum, unlike so many hyped "investments" these days, Merck is simply wildly stable, and profitable. And it is investing for the future, generously -- but wisely. One might be forgiven for calling it. . . boring. If getting rich (from $31 to $106) is "boring".

And sure, a million things could go off the rails. Some other even better oncology agent may emerge. But it will not happen overnight. And (despite my regular poking) Merck is built to last. So here's the Bloomberg news. But don't sell on the news just yet. You've got a solid decade of runway, here:

. . .Merck raised its sales forecast amid increased demand for Keytruda, its blockbuster cancer treatment that now accounts for 40% of revenue, and a surprisingly strong result from its controversial Covid treatment.

Total annual sales are now expected to be as high as $60.2 billion, up from prior guidance that topped out at $59.6 billion, Merck said Thursday as it reported third-quarter earnings. . . .

Now you know. Don't let the analysts' hot sheets convince you you need to hop around into other pharma buckets -- and most of all. . . never into crypto- of any stripe. That is a pure hype cycle, now dying out. Even dead cats bounce, if dropped from a tall enough building ledge. Onward. . . smiling a wicked smile.


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