Thursday, October 12, 2023

Thursday's Trivia: In The "Slow News Day" Department... What a McRibb Sandwich Is Called, In Hungary...

I am. . . ashamed to admit where I ran across this bit of. . . nonsense. So. . . I won't.

But the part that was of some passing interest. . . was that apparently, the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average post slightly larger daily average gains (or slightly smaller average daily losses). . . when the McRibb is on the menu at McD's -- in the USA. That's. . . just. . . fascinating.

Are stock-traders. . . inherently more optimistic, with a belly full of pressed reconstituted smoked pork product in their guts, after midday -- nationwide?

[On average -- than if they've eaten sushi or tofu soups at lunch?]

The mind boggles. Just as it boggles at the notion that anyone, anywhere on Earth would eat something called. . . Pig McFarm.

That's all I've got -- do remember to tip your wait-staff. . . grin.


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