Sunday, October 22, 2023

Pfizer Once Again Returns To Doubling Merck, In Quarterly Lobby Spending -- Q3 2023 Trendlines...

It is time again, to line out the things that Big Pharma is plying Congress on.

And reversing the anomaly from last quarter, Pfizer -- at about 40% larger than Merck -- is once again nearly doubling it, in lobby spending. [Last quarter, for the first time since well before about 2002, Merck outspent Pfizer, despite the smaller size. It had to do with lobbying on the silly lawsuit it had filed.] Here are the Pfizer areas of concern, and a side by side graphic. A full four way trend graphic will appear here, tomorrow:

. . .Drug Pricing, Support of Biosimilars, Out-of-Pocket Costs, Rebate Reform, Vaccine Infrastructure/ Excise Tax, PDUFA, Pandemic Preparedness/PAHPA. . . .

Medicare Part D, Rebate Reform- PBMs, Out-Of-Pocket Costs, Government negotiation on Medicare, Antimicrobial Resistance, March-In. . . .

Comprehensive Corporate Tax Reform, International Tax Reform, OECD Profit Allocation, U.S. Manufacturing Credits, Build Back Better Act, Minimum Tax. . . .

International Supply Chain/Buy America, Harmonize International Drug Manufacturing Standards, Global Access to Medicines, Foreign Market Access Issues (including IPR). . . .

TRIPS Waiver, Bayh-Dole March-in-Rights, General IP Issues. . . .

Now you know -- we will cover Merck, Amgen and Amazon later in the coming week. Onward, into the sunshine.


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