Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Anyone Want To Guess: What Is This About? CalTech / Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope -- Future Ops...

Here is the press release related to the animation at right. I wonder if anyone out there wants to take a stab at what this simulation is all about.

[Small hint -- we've covered the general topic many times here.] The upcoming space telescope mission is aptly-named, thus:

. . .This animation shows a simulation of the type of science that astronomers will be able to do with future deep field observations from NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. The gravity of intervening galaxy clusters and dark matter can lens the light from farther objects, warping their appearance as shown in the animation. By studying the distorted light, astronomers can study elusive dark matter, which can only be measured indirectly through its gravitational effects on visible matter. As a bonus, this lensing also makes it easier to see the most distant galaxies whose light they magnify. Simulations like this one help astronomers understand what Roman’s future observations could tell us about the universe, and provide useful data to validate data analysis techniques. . . .

Smiling -- and peering into the deepest reaches, of the river that runs over rocks. . . from the basement of time.



Anonymous said...

more to post tonight?: https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/11/world/osiris-rex-bennu-asteroid-sample-reveal-scn/index.html

condor said...

Indeed! The above is weak sauce by comparison. . . New one up now!
