Friday, October 6, 2023

A "Novel" Idea? An Administration That Follows The Law As Written, From [Trump's] PRIOR Congress?!

The non-story of the day is that far right outlets claim Mr. Biden has "reversed course" -- and is building new border wall sections.

Erh... Nope.

As the far right quotes make plain, what is happening is the Administration is following the law that Congress (under Trump, BTW) laid down -- it required these funds be spent on border walls. The Biden team has repeatedly lobbied the (disarray / GOP led) House to shift that spending priority by a later act / law -- which it has failed to do.

So -- in compliance with law, federal agencies like Border Services must spend it on a wall section.

This is no story -- except if one believes. . . following the law as written. . . is. . . an outrage.

. . .The construction project reported today was appropriated during the prior administration in 2019 and the law requires the government to use these funds for this purpose, which we announced earlier this year. We have repeatedly asked Congress to rescind this money but it has not done so and we are compelled to follow the law. . . .

Yes -- sometimes one must follow laws one disagrees with. This is (apparently) considered a novel concept -- after the time of Tangerine, according to Steve Bannon, Fox and Breitbart, et al.

Y A W N.


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