Tuesday, September 26, 2023

[U: Full Order Below!] Tangerine's NY Fraud Trial Was Just Materially Narrowed -- Because He's Already Lost -- On The AG's Top Charge: Fraud In Overstating His Assets: Judge Engoron

UPDATED -- here's the full order (15.5 MB) -- and it is a humdinger! Read on! End updated portion.

Not at all surprising, as NY law here is clear -- and Tangerine's own tax and loan applications filings proved his liability, from his own pen.

I am still waiting to see the full 35 page opinion and order appear on the public docket, at the NY Supreme Court. But Tangerine's time as a serious candidate. . . is very nearly now. . . at an end. Bank on that. Here's the breaking NY Daily News, reporting a "still-developing" story:

[Opinion:] . . .The court takes judicial notice that the Trump Tower apartment in which Donald Trump resided for decades (the "Triplex") is 10,996 square feet. Between 2012 and 2016, Donald Trump submitted SFCs falsely claiming that the Triplex was thirty thousand square feet, resulting in an overvaluation of between $114 million and $207 million. The misrepresentation continued, even after defendants received written notification from Forbes that Donald Trump had been overestimating the square footage of the Triplex by a factor of three. . . .

[NY Daily News:] Donald Trump was found liable for fraud Tuesday in the New York attorney general’s sweeping case against his family real estate empire – a major setback for the former president.

In a 35-page order, State Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron partially granted state AG Letitia James’ request to rule on her top fraud claim in the $250 million lawsuit.

Engoron found Trump, his sons, Eric and Don Jr., and multiple Trump Organization entities liable on the chief claim, which alleges they lied about the value of company assets by hundreds of millions of dollars for a decade and repeatedly used the fake numbers in business transactions.

Engoron also granted an AG request to impose sanctions on Trump, his co-defendants and their attorneys for repeatedly filing already-rejected legal arguments. . . .

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Onward.



Anonymous said...

Thoughts?: https://bio.news/latest-news/bio-board-vice-chair-crowley-tells-congress-ira-reduces-access-to-innovative-drugs/

condor said...

The whole narrative is. . . bunk.

The Orphan Drug Act remains good law.

What a crock!

Thanks for sharing. . . Great input.

Namaste. . . .