Thursday, September 28, 2023

Merck Now Admits What We All Knew: You "Cannot Fight City Hall" -- When It Is ALSO Your Largest US Customer...

Condor predicts this is simply the slow dance at an "old school" high school prom -- toward an ultimate dismissal of these strike suits -- against these very large customers -- like HHS and CMS, and the VA. The suits are very dubious as a matter of law, and to be certain. . . suing your biggest customers, on the grounds that you won't even sit down, to "talk about" prices. . . is never a smart business move. Not a good look.

In any event, here is the latest, from Endpoint News' fine reporting -- do go read it all (behind a paywall, though):

. . .Merck said on Thursday that it will participate “under protest” in the first round of price negotiations with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for its type 2 diabetes treatment Januvia (sitagliptin).

The company is the fourth to announce that it will agree to the IRA's Medicare negotiations process, ahead of the October 1 deadline. . . .

Just as we predicted several months ago, when the strike suits were first filed. Yawn. And. . . onward!


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