Wednesday, September 20, 2023

At Least Now, Both Sides Agree That Texas Has Finally Dragged The Floating Razor Wire Barrier... Wholly Into US Waters... But That Is Not The End.

We have been covering this, pretty regularly.

It is regrettable that GOP Gov. Abbott feels entitled to directly violate US treaty obligations. But it is. . . deplorable that now many asylum seekers have been lacerated -- and in at least three cases, drowned -- in the attempt to enjoy the promises of our bilateral treaties with our good friend Mexico.

We as a nation are better than this. We cannot let whiny brown shirted despots try to end our status as that shining beacon on the hill, for oppressed peoples around the globe. That much is clear.

But today's update is more prosaic.

Texas (Gov. Abbott) finally has admitted that the barrier was in part in Mexican water. And he had it moved, at the end of August. Now both sides agree it is wholly in a US waterway.

All that means though is that Mr. Biden should win at the Supremes -- as the trial court correctly ruled Texas cannot impede a federal waterway (not without explicit permission from the feds). And Gov. Abbott specifically declined, by press conference to even ask for say-so. Game over -- as soon as it is referred by Alito to the full nine Supremes for resolution.

Onward, smiling -- getting used to breathing a very rich-oxygen atmosphere, at sea level, again. . . it is sort of like drinking an extra cup of coffee in the morning. . . and it will persist (at least it does, for me, based on many prior such trips) for about two weeks -- before the "oxygen dep" rebound finally fades out. . . from living/gasping(!) at 12,000 feet elevation -- for a week. [Odd, that I am a flatlander, now -- for almost 30 years. Grin.]


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