Thursday, September 28, 2023

"A Real Close... Shave" Completed, Yesterday -- As Parker Zipped Close In, On Our Home Star, "Sol"...

This is just. . . outstanding.

First rate engineering -- and solar science. All in one blurry-fast lil' package! It is travelling, when closest to our home star at almost 400,000 miles an hour. Here's the latest -- from the Parker team, at NASA, and the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Labs:

. . .NASA’s Parker Solar Probe completed its 17th close approach to the Sun on Sept. 27, 2023, breaking its own distance record by skimming just 4.51 million miles (7.26 million kilometers) from the solar surface.

Set up by a gravity-assist flyby of Venus on Aug. 21, the close approach (known as perihelion) occurred at 7:28 p.m. EDT, with Parker Solar Probe moving 394,736 miles per hour (635,266 kilometers per hour) around the Sun – another record. The milestone also marked the midway point in the mission’s 17th solar encounter, which began Sept. 22 and continues through Oct. 3. . . .

The spacecraft will transmit science data from the encounter – largely covering the properties, structure, and behavior of the solar wind as it launches off the Sun – back to Earth from Oct. 4 – 19.

Now you know, and this is the fastest moving human made object -- in history, by a wide margin. And so, we are beaming at all the twisting, speedy lil' packages. . . still out there, in the night. . . making history. All of them -- in touch and out -- all wonders, in their own ways. Smile.


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