Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Update: USDC Judge Ezra Reserves On Rio Grande Floating Razor Wire Ruling; Both Sides To Submit Final Arguments By Friday In Austin, TX

The hearing concluded before lunch today, in West Texas.

Here's a bit from a local Midland paper, which had a reporter sitting in the federal courtroom today:

. . .[USDC Judge] Ezra questioned why Texas would have moved the barrier if it was already on the U.S. side and whether the currents of the river were causing the buoys to drift.

“If it were in a position Texas was comfortable with, they wouldn't have done that,” Ezra said. . . .

Ezra ordered both sides to submit written closing arguments by Friday as the Biden administration [seeks court authorization, under the Rivers and Harbors Act § 10, 33 USC § 403] for the immediate removal of the buoys
. . . .

So -- we wait probably until Monday, six days out, for a decision -- after the Friday final filings. And when Abbott loses (as he will) -- expect an appeal, but also expect that the US agencies will have the right to immediately remove the razor-wire, during appeals.

In fact, two asylum seekers have already died, after being tangled in them.



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