Sunday, August 27, 2023

Partial Restoration Of Joy Silk Doctrine: Good News For Amazon Labor Union.

This is the August '23 edition (slightly delayed) of our monthly check in, on labor matters that affect Amazon.

In it we hightlight a new NLRB decision that helps restore the so-called Joy Silk doctrine, in favor of more rapidly getting to the bargaining table, once a majority of workers have voted for a union. The endless delaying tactics used by recalcitrant management (like Amazon's) are curtailed, here. Do read it all, but here is a bit, from a nice TruthOut / MSM summary:

. . .The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a new standard in Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC that would force an employer to recognize and bargain with a union if a majority of workers had previously requested a union and the company had broken labor laws that would require setting aside the results of a subsequent election.

The decision represents a compromise version of the Joy Silk doctrine that’s been championed by the labor movement. Joy Silk specifies that, if a majority of workers have indicated their support for the union, employers are forced to recognize the union unless they have “good faith doubt” about the support. Cemex differs in that, if the union has majority support, an employer can still request a union election with a form known as an RM petition and is not required to recognize the union at that point. . . .

“Today’s decision. . . will strengthen the Board’s ability to provide workers across the country with a timely and fair process for seeking union representation,” NLRB Chairman Lauren McFerran said in a statement. “The Cemex decision reaffirms that elections are not the only appropriate path for seeking union representation, while also ensuring that, when elections take place, they occur in a fair election environment. . . .”

Now you know. Onward, into a sun-dappled bike riding Sunday by the lake. Smile.


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