Sunday, July 16, 2023

Update: The Briefing Schedule, In The Sixth Circuit, For That Crazy "Law" Against Trans Care In Tennessee... Is Filed.

We told you we'd keep a close tab on this one, on principle. And we will.

We can also report that the Sixth has put it on. . . a very short fuse. The patients' / plaintiffs' / Vandy brief is due a week from tomorrow. Here's that Friday night scheduling order:

. . .BRIEFING LETTER SENT setting briefing schedule pursuant to the court's 07/08/2023 order: appellant brief and amici briefs supporting the appellants due 07/24/2023; appellee brief and amici briefs supporting the appellees due 08/10/2023; reply briefs due 08/17/2023. . . .

Now you know. And if you are living in a county that allows you register to vote in Tennessee, be sure to do so.

And be sure to write and call your legislators about what a deeply hateful, and unconstitutional "law" this March 2023 Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-33-101, et seq., is.

The idea that the local legislators (some with only high school educations) know more about the medical condition -- and proper treatments around the exceedingly rare condition known as gender dysphoria. . . than the doctors at Vanderbilt Medical Center in downtown Nashville. . . is preposterous on its face (aside from the invasions § 68-33-101(b) lawlessly contemplates). Onward.


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