Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Sixth Circuit Itself Has Decided To Refer The Friends Of Georges Appeal By TN... To Mediation.

This is a clear sign from the federal courts that Tennessee's position is a loser.

If Gov. Bill Lee is any kind of wise, he will agree to a settlement that pays the plaintiffs' legal fees, and closes the matter. The taxpayers of Tennessee could owe an additional $600,000 or so (on top of the $480,000 they already owe) in appeal legal fees, only to lose -- again. The law is unenforceable on its face, as we've shown, and the able USDC judge in Memphis has ruled. Here's that mediation referrral notice:

. . .The third and primary purpose is to explore possibilities for settlement. We will discuss in considerable detail the parties’ interests and possible bases for resolving the case.

You should be prepared to address all of these matters. More detailed information about mediation in the Sixth Circuit can be found on our website. . . .

And, just for a complete record, here is the DA Mulroy's opposition to the award of George's attorneys' fees, for having to bring suit against a plainly unconstitutional "law". Onward. grinning -- on a sultry, sunny day in the city of big shoulders, now. . . .


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