Sunday, July 9, 2023

Louisiana And Mizzou Have Now Filed Their Joint Political Manifesto, Tonight. It Will NOT Win The Day. A Stay Is Required Here.

Well -- as expected, it is 17 pages of overwrought MAGA talking points -- none of which read on the actually preposterous idea that these two states seek to force private social media companies to carry false and misleading screes about important public health/pandemic matters.

That cannot be countenanced. And it won't be. I preserve it solely for the record -- and for derision.

I won't quote it.

But I will say that Ronald Reagan hisself (their patron saint, no less!), in 1985. . . specifically rejected this notion, and cited the First Amendment -- the government (here a federal court, along with two states' governments) cannot tell any private news outlet what it must carry. Full stop. Game over. But stay. . . tuned. Heh -- tomorrow may be a busy noon-time in Western Louisiana's federal district courts.


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