Monday, July 10, 2023

"...Jointly participated [sic] social-media companies to suppress social-media posts"?! WTH?!

Well --goofy ole' Judge Doughty down in Monroe, Louisiana, had obviously pre-written this memorandum opinion, likely Sunday night.

But he apparently did NOT proof-read it.

What. . . on Earth. . . does the above sentence fragment even attempt to convey? That a USDC judge sloppily shoved it into his order. . . is pretty telling. [Backgrounder, here.]

No one will ever know what he was trying to say there. What we do know. . . is that he pre-judged the Administration's stay motion, and refused it out of hand.

But that bit of partisanship is actually useful: his is now a dead letter.

Just now, the federal agencies are filing in the Fifth Circuit, for an emergency stay. It is all "above his pay grade" now.




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