Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Despite Walt Nauta's Request, The Speedy Trial Act Requires Trump's Stolen Docs Trial In Miami Begin By Sept. 14, 2023...

In normal cases, all the parties agree to voluntarily waive the very short time fuses -- set by statute, in federal felony trials. But this is no normal case.

Trump will certainly offer to waive, as his strategy seems to be to try to avoid going to trial before the 2024 election. But his is a felony case. And none of the delays he's used in the past (civil proceedings) will here avail.

And to be certain, it wouldn't be unusual, in an overworked, under-staffed AUSAs' office, to see the government also agree to waive the Act's tight timelines.

But -- as I say -- Jack Smith has been laser focused for over a year, now on getting to this moment. He's been singularly tasked with ferreting out, and pinning down, Tangerine's crime spree. He's already provided Team Trump with almost all the documentary evidence he intends to use that Trump didn't himself create.

So in a Miami federal court filing tonight, Mr. Smith's team (for the people of the United States) announced to Judge Aileen Cannon that the latest this matter may go to trial is September 14, 2023 -- by statute. He didn't need to say it -- but nothing requires that he waive that deadline. And I am betting dollars to donuts. . . he won't.

Afterall, getting this trial finished -- as early as possible, leaves Tangerine free (if anyone believes his preposterous claim that he'll be acquitted!) to run in the primaries without need to be in court every day -- and that's been his biggest complaint, so far. Almost all the evidence came from his own club -- and his own video cameras.

So Walt's bleating about a December 2024 trial date. . . will go nowhere. The Special Counsel is not going to give them any easy out. They are going to trial. Walt's only chance to avoid a Sept. 2023 trial. . . is to cut a plea deal, and testify as a witness, rather than appear in the well, as a fellow indictee.

All of that rings. . . a delicious irony -- with "lock her up!" still chiming in Baby-T's orange-hued ears.


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