Sunday, July 9, 2023

Deep Water Sunday Tangent: I Wrote A Decrypt Piece Over A Year Ago -- But Never Posted It... Will The Outlet Go Under?

The headlines over at Decrypt of late have bordered on. . . the rabid. [I'll use the graphic without updating, as this is all now rather trivial, given the regulatory claws closing on the various global crypto-crooks.]

That may well mean that Decrypt's run as the crypto-outlet most aligned with the mooners. . . may have done it in, financially.

We will wait and see, but a headline that recently said Rep. Emmer would "fire" the SEC Chairman, via legislation as yet undrafted, let alone passed -- is just silly.

Silly -- and very poor journalism. The article should note that Emmer possesses no such power.

Not even in a wild fever dream could Congress force the President to "fire" a specific SEC chairman, absent open felonious conduct, after a grand jury indictment and conviction.



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