Sunday, July 23, 2023

Coming Shortly: Lilly's Lobby Spend -- Vs. Amgen's: Both Well Below... Each Of Merck And Pfizer.

Here is the Lilly spend details, for Q2 2023. . . pretty unremarkable, overall.

We will cover Amgen's -- tomorrow, but this is the Indy firm:

. . .Issues related to intellectual property protection and market access within current trade negotiations. Canada IP; USMCA implementation; Mexico patent linkage; Special 301; Trade talks: US-Japan, US-China, US-EU, US-UK, US-India, and US-Brazil. . . .

Patient protection; Drug supply chain and shortages; Drug pricing, coverage, value and access; Transparency; Intellectual property; Health insurance accessibility; Implementation of the "Inflation Reduction Act" (HR.5376); Prescription drug approval; Affordable Insulin Now Act (S.3700/HR.6833), The INSULIN Act. . . .

Intellectual property; 340B Program; Medicare & Medicaid prescription drug reimbursement, coverage and value; Implementation of the "Inflation Reduction Act" (HR.5376); CMS National Coverage Determination on Alzheimer's disease; The INSULIN Act. . . .

Multi-lateral threats to IP and the biopharmaceutical industry; Drug importation; Prescription drug value and access. . . .

Pharmaceutical intellectual property issues. . . .

Implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act; Domestic manufacturing tax incentives; Expensing of research and development costs; Global minimum tax. . . .

Hospital discounts; 340B program. . . .

Now you know. With last quarter's Lilly v. Amgen totals (far right portion of the below graphic), for comparison. Smile. . . .


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