Sunday, July 16, 2023

A Good Idea: A Pre-Arranged "Bond" -- To Bridge African Governments' Immediate Spending Needs, During A Flare Up Of Ebola Or Marburg (Or Lassa Or Cholera)

This is a very interesting idea -- GAVI, a not-for-profit, has created a bridge financing bond, one that would allow an immediate release of substantial hard currencies, in the event of a pandemic's flare up.

The fundraising, which can take months to complete, would pay off the bond -- but allow for vaccines to be on the ground in a day or two, rather than a month or two. This is a sensible idea -- if administered without graft or corruption. Do go read it all:

. . .In the past 20 years, Africa has experienced an escalation of public health emergencies due to emerging infectious diseases. Its healthcare systems, often underfunded and underequipped, are among the weakest in the world, contributing to the continent's susceptibility to outbreaks and epidemics. Additional factors include extreme poverty and malnutrition, lack of access to clinics and immunisation in rural and remote communities and microorganisms adapting to climate change.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also warned that outbreaks caused by zoonotic pathogens are rising. An increase of 63% has been recorded from 2012 - 2022, compared to 2001-2011. . . .

[A GAVI-created and financed bond -- or delayed repayment obligation. . . is proposed.] Designed to release a payout on detection of an outbreak of a pre-determined magnitude -- governments gain access to funding for containment efforts and medical intervention without the need to rely on traditional aid, which often arrives too late. The benefits and protections are many, from reduced mortality and reduced cost for the outbreak response to mitigating secondary impacts on a country's economy. . . .

Excellent. "The more you know. . ." Smile.


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