Thursday, June 29, 2023

UPDATE: Coming Motion Deadlines, In The Ill-Starred Merck (DC Federal Courts) Suit Against The Feds -- To Keep Older, Mature Retail US Drug Prices "Nice And High"...

We check in once more, this afternoon -- before the time off-grid again in the mountains. . . to offer what all was decided last night, by the able USDC Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, in terms of the immediate schedule in this ill-starred suit we've started covering, in DC.

Here is the meat of it -- and the full PDF:

. . .1. [Merck] shall file its motion for summary judgment and memorandum in support thereof by July 11, 2023 [Condor sez that is a very tight and abrupt turn-around time-table, given most of next week is off-grid with the holiday!];

2. [HHS and CMS; federal government agencies] shall file a single memorandum in support of their cross-motion for summary judgment and opposing Plaintiff’s motion by September 11, 2023;

3. Plaintiff shall file a combined reply in support of its motion and opposition to Defendants’ cross-motion by October 19, 2023;

4. Defendant shall file a reply in support of their cross-motion by November 21, 2023. . . .

Now you know. . . grin. This will be a good one for turgid, overwrought and colorful prose, from Merck's lawyers. Heh.


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