Sunday, June 25, 2023

On This Ultimately Trivial Topic -- I Will Endeavor To Be Brief...

Ahem. There is a serialized "memoir" on Substack that charges $50 for a yearly subscription, to read all sorts of juicy insider details about Martin Shkreli, and his "during prison" girlfriend.

They are no longer together.

The latest chapter of that memoir seeks to paint Brent Saunders as a great pharma leader -- one who mentored Shkreli for time. That last bit (mentoring) may be true. But I won't pay $50 to read what's written there (on principle).

I simply want to note that the man who told the Wall Street Journal that having to pay taxes on inversions was Un-American, and that repatriation taxes for multinational (pharma) earnings. . . are "Un-Constitutional". . . should be hailed as no-one's model leader.

Uh-huh. This man never discovered or ran the approval of an original chemical entity in his life. He is only an investment banker, in a white lab coat.

But it seems likely that just as Fred Hassan taught Saunders the greedy tradecraft, Saunders in turn was teaching Martin, until the latter was perp walked, at least. Now you know. Onward, grinning.


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