Friday, June 9, 2023

[U] Nope. Not Seven -- But THIRTY-SEVEN FELONY Counts.

I had planned to wait until he was perp walked to say much more, figuring the buzz of it all would be enough.

And it certainly is. But I feel compelled to write, and link to the full 44 page speaking indictment now that it is unsealed.

I do so. . . because the wanton criminality -- already documented by Trump's OWN lawyers in the indictment (who've since resigned) makes what Nixon had on tape (and had his secretary erase). . . look like a game of paddy-cake. And to be sure, there will be more indictments — in DC, on the Top Secret documents stolen, and flown to Bedminster — never to be seen again.

This brazen, ongoing, constant criminality. . . is breath-taking, even factoring in that we all knew Trump has been dishonest at the core, his whole life long. Two lawyers have now confirmed under oath that Trump encouraged them to destroy Top Secret documents that were, in a few days, to be delivered to the lawyers from the government, under a subpoena -- "if they found anything really bad". This is. . . utterly gob-smacking:

. . .After Trump Attorney 1 finished sealing the Redweld folder containing the documents with classification markings that he had found inside Trump's boxes, Nauta took Trump Attorney 1 to the dining room in the Mar-a-Lago club, to meet with Trump after Trump Attorney 1 confirmed that he had finished with his search of the storage room. . . .

Trump asked, "did you find anything? Is it bad?. . . ." Trump Attorney 1 then discussed what to do with the Redweld folder, and whether Trump Attorney 1 should bring them to his hotel room and put them in a safe there. . . .

During the conversation Trump made a plucking motion as memorialized by Trump Attorney 1, he made a funny motion as though "well okay, why don’t you just take them to your hotel room and then if there’s anything really bad in there like you know, pluck them out" and that was the motion that he made though he didn’t say that. . . .

This goes on for about twenty paragraphs, out of his own lawyers' mouths, under oath. And numerous documents bearing Classification markings were found, loose, on the floor in a closet -- spilled over, out of their folders. Finally, the Gen. Milley war plan document is. . . according to Trump's own lawyers. . . G O N E. Missing.

Only a moron would think Trump didn't either sell it, steal it, gift it or destroy it. . . at some point. Those were Top Secret US battle plans. The break-in at the Watergate Hotel was a Toga Party by comparison. Damn. Damn. Damn.


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