Thursday, June 29, 2023

Meanwhile, In IMPORTANT Espionage-By-Former-POTUS News...

Many on the frothy far-right have whined about some tangential remarks made by a low level IRS employee, claiming to be a whistle-blower. Remarks about a person who has never held any office, at any level -- nor any executive role in any political party. Unfortunate -- but small potatoes -- for which he has accepted responsibilty. Whatever, you codgers.

Here is what it is all intended to deflect from: Tangerine (on tape, no less!) personally showing highly classified stolen documents (in this case, a map) to a Trump-aligned PAC executive in mid-2021, at his club.

She will be called to testify, in his felonies trial. And Tangerine will... indeed, burn (per ABC):

. . .Susie Wiles, one of Trump’s most trusted advisers leading his second reelection effort, is the individual singled out in Smith’s indictment as the “PAC Representative” who Trump is alleged to have shown a classified map to in August or September of 2021, sources said.

Trump, in the indictment, is alleged to have shown the classified map of an unidentified country to Wiles while discussing a military operation that Trump said “was not going well,” while adding that he “should not be showing the map” to her and “not to get too close. . .

So -- to recap: Trump stole top secret documents, and then knowingly, intentionally, waved them about over a year and a half after he left office, describing the content of the same to a high ranking political party operative, solely for use in a political operation -- against the currently serving opposition party (Democratic) POTUS.

Yet the frothy far right. . . is stony silent about THAT?!


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