Thursday, May 25, 2023

[U] Stewart Rhodes -- Disbarred Ex-Lawyer To Federal Prison For 18 Years: 01.06.21 Insurrectionist Leader.


That's. . . at least some. . . justice.

F- that guy, as we celebrate Memorial Day, for all those who bled, and died to protect this nation -- and all of us, from monsters like him. Yet there he was (at Tangerine's urging) on 01.06.21, trying to kill people, to end our fragile experiment in ordered liberty -- to take our clearly legitimate election results. . . away.

The able USDC Judge Mehta just observed: ". . .I dare say Mr. Rhodes, and I have never said this to anyone I have sentenced: You, sir, present an ongoing threat and a peril to this country, the Republic and the very fabric of democracy. . . ."

[Update: Kelly Meggs, another co-seditionist / insurrection planner, was just sentenced to 12 years, by the able Judge Mehta.] Damn. Yep. F- that guy, too. He'll be a sad, old broken man, by the time / if he ever earns his release -- and. . . he may just die behind bars, given his various health problems. That too, would be some. . . justice.

Suck it, Rhodes.




Anonymous said...

On a different note:

So, not sure how you didn't post this: as you just love the deep space.

Peace for the weekend...

condor said...

This is excellent!

I'll make it part of the Saturday fare -- as I completely missed it. Dang.

Thanks -- enjoy a peaceful long one yourself. . . smile.