Wednesday, May 31, 2023

[U] Later Today, NASA Should Host A Press Briefing On What Used To Be Called... UFOs. A "UAPs" Blue Ribbon Panel Report...

Updated @ 4 PM EDT: Probably the most that may be fairly said. . . is that more data is needed. Calibration is a daunting issue, as to all "random, in the wild" observations. So, as responsible scientists, the sensible outcome is not to leap to conclusions, at least not without very compelling evidence. And that we do not (yet) have. End update.

Now they are called something else, at least in polite scientific circles.

Y A W N.

UAPs -- to highlight the fact that this is not just your grandads' wild eyed folklore.

In truth, it doesn't really matter what we call them, the fact is. . . that several of the incidents, caught by multiple military pilots, cannot be readily explained.

We will update this, when/if we have some solid NASA-type science -- to explain what is (or is not) known to be going on. Smile. . . .


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