Friday, April 14, 2023

Trial Starts After Final Motion Flurry Next Week, In Multi-Billion Dollar Zetia® Antitrust Litigation...

Just as we said -- there will be a flurry of last minute motions.

But by later next week, the jury selection process should be underway. Opening statements could be a week from today:

. . .The court hereby gives Notice to all counsel of record of the logistical, administrative, and case management matters outlined herein regarding:

1. There has been an overwhelming number of "eleventh-hour" motions, inquiries, and matters to be resolved by the court before trial, currently scheduled to begin on Monday, April 17, 2023. In light of the need for the multidistrict litigation judge's exercise of her heightened case management power, the court will not entertain any further pretrial motions at this juncture. Moreover, in order to resolve the surge of "eleventh-hour" matters, the trial with jury selection will not begin until Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 11:00 a.m.

2. The approved electronic equipment will not be set up in Courtroom Four until after jury selection and preliminary instructions. Such set up by counsel shall be coordinated with Luis Otero of IT at the conclusion of these events, before opening statements. Any cell phones will not be needed or approved until after opening statements.

3. The court is advised that counsel is still in session with Magistrate Judge Douglas E. Miller to complete the rulings on exhibits and deposition designations for the Final Pretrial Order. As such, if not completed this week, the parties shall convene with Judge Miller on Monday, April 17, 2023, to finish this process.

Signed by District Judge Rebecca Beach Smith on 4/13/2023. . . .

Now you know -- and ESA's "Juice" blasted through rain-soaked cloudy skies this morning -- she is safely in orbit around Earth, preparing for a ten year journey out to the moons of Jupiter, to hunt for evidence of past or present. . . life. Smile.


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