Yet just 25 months later, the very same church authorities had her condemned as a heretic (she was then only 19 years old), and burned at the stake, at Rouen. So threatening was she to the patriarchy, of that day. Of any day. . . really. Here's a bit -- of the more mystical version of her legend:
. . .For years, vague prophecies had been circulating throughout France, of an armored maiden who would rescue the French from the English. Many of these prophecies suggested that the armored maiden would come from the borders of Lorraine (where Domrémy, Joan's birthplace was located).
As a result -- when word reached the besieged citizens of Orléans of Joan's journey to see the king -- expectations (perhaps unrealistically) ran high. . . .
But within the span of two years, having suffered a pair of unrelated military defeats -- she was declared persona non gratis. It certainly did not help her that she chose to wear men's clothing. Here, see the thread on Giannis below -- it is. . . apt. Onward, smiling just the same. . . .

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