Monday, April 10, 2023

If The Settlement Discussions Aren't Finalized By Then, A "FINAL" Pretrial Conference Will Be Held Before The Judge On July 6, 2023 In Lanham Act: Merck v. Merck.

The parties here have been discussing settlement on and off, for over two years now.

But no signed agreements have resulted -- despite numerous conferences, in person -- with the able Magistrate in NJDC. So, to move them along, the court has set a July 6, 2023 pretrial date. That would be the moment when each side must answer "ready for trial" -- or explain why, after nearly a decade in motion practice. . . one or the other is NOT ready.

Indeed, this is mostly just to impress on both sides. . . that a trial will occur this summer if they don't come to terms, and soon. So this was entered this afternoon, on the federal docket, in Newark:


Final Pretrial Conference set for 7/6/2023 at 11:00 a.m. in Newark - Courtroom 2C. Trial counsel must be present at the conference. The parties shall jointly file a proposed final pretrial order by 6/22/2023. The parties shall mail a tabbed courtesy copy to Chambers by 6/22/2023. Please mark your calendar accordingly.

So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Michael A. Hammer on 4/10/2023. . . .

Onward, grinning on a lovely Spring afternoon -- to now ride a mountain bike, by the crystal clear lake waters. First of the season!


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