It is highly likely that the able USDC Judge Cote will grant him that priviledge, thus (afterall both of the suits seek money from Martin, and all from the same highly dissipated pool of remaining assets -- their interests overlap, if not strictly identical: GET PAID):
. . .We represent to the Court that we and the Receiver have communicated about this application to the plaintiffs in FTC et al. v. Vyera Pharmaceuticals, LLC, et al., No. 20-cv-00706-DLC (S.D.N.Y.) (the “FTC Action”), and have their permission, at our request, to represent to Your Honor that the plaintiff Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC”) and plaintiff State Attorneys General do not object to our request. . . .
Accordingly, on behalf of the Judgment Creditor, and with the Receiver, we ask the Court to direct Mr. Shkreli (by issuance of an Order or by a subpoena to be issued by the Court) to provide Dr. Koestler (through counsel) and the Receiver a copy of all disclosures Mr. Shkreli has made and will make to the FTC and State Attorneys General in connection with the Judgment they have obtained against Mr. Shkreli in the Action. We also ask that the Court permit us (as counsel) and the Receiver to attend (virtually or in person), depositions of Mr. Shkreli which those parties may conduct and to have a transcript of those depositions. . . .
Well. . . this could mean that a fair bit of whatever is said in the FTC depositions ends up in the public docket, in the suit in Manhattan on behalf of Dr. Koestler, who is trying to collect about $4.6 million in a judgment owed by Mr. Shkreli, and unpaid since about 2015.
Onward -- and top o' the mornin', to ya'!

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