Friday, January 27, 2023

USDC Magistrate Judge Hammer Decides The Merck v. Merck Settlement Conference On Feb. 10 Will Be... Via Zoom, Not In-Person.

Just some minor bits of house-keeping -- to close out the item I wrote -- from earlier this week.

This morning, the able Magistrate Judge in Newark ruled that the next settlement conference will be a teleconference -- not in person, even though the German Merck official with settlement authority is now free to come to the states, since the similar litigation in Singapore has settled, obviating attending a trial on the merits. Here's that order, for a complete record:

. . .The Court has considered the parties' January 23, 2023 and January 26, 2023 letters concerning whether the February 10, 2023 settlement conference should proceed remotely, as originally planned, or in person. The February 10th conference shall proceed remotely.

However, if the matter does not settle at that time, the Court will continue the settlement conference in person. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Michael A. Hammer on 1/27/2023. . . .

Now you know, with sporatic snow squalls as the rule, through tonight's evening hours, here. Grin -- stay warm. [Sure wish I was landing in warm humid Vietnam, now too!]


1 comment:

Anon.Police.Reform said...

Once at 6:48 am… smiling.