Saturday, January 7, 2023

Deplorable: Republicans Assaulted One Another On The House Floor Tonight. Not Seen Since 1856 -- On Slavery.

To be clear, each previous forcible assault and battery, in the dark past moments of US Congressional history, involved combatants from opposing parties.

Astonishingly tonight, it was two Republican men, in a scrum around Gaetz and Boebert. It was a physical battle, all part and parcel of the internecine warfare of MAGA GOP v. Regular GOP.

Especially disgusting, when weighed on the scales of history:

. . .The 1850s saw the House bitterly divided over the issue of slavery, which led to one of the more incendiary and violent events in congressional history.

On May 22, 1856, Representative Preston Brooks of South Carolina entered the Senate Chamber and repeatedly struck Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts over the head with a cane.

The assault was in reaction to a speech in which Sumner criticized slavery and the Senators who supported it, including Andrew Butler, a relative of Brooks. . . .

Preston Brooks -- now along with Gaetz and Boebert. Those names will all live. . . in infamy, in US Congressional history -- as instigators of the 01.06.21 insurrection, and the ugly physical assaults here in the same chambers, on its second anniversary.



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