Thursday, January 19, 2023

Labor Abuse Files: Amazon Cited By OSHA -- For Second Time In Under A Year. Unsafe Worker Conditions In NY, FL And N. Illinois

Not terribly surprising, but Amazon has (again -- twice in under a year!) been fined for exposing Illinois, NY and Florida line workers to dangerous lifting / twisting repetitive motion / stress injuries. [With just one of dozens of prior posts, on it all -- here (search "Amazon", in the box for the rest).]

The long applicable OSHA regs clearly set out maximum loads, and maximum repeated motion parameters, for working on an "assembly line" distribution / package hub facility. Amazon repeatedly broke those rules, endangering (if not already injuring) its workers.

Here's the latest, from Vice news:

. . .The Department proposed a penalty of $60,269 for the violations.

“OSHA investigators found Amazon warehouse workers at high risk for lower back injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders related to the high frequency with which workers are required to lift packages and other items; the heavy weight of the items; awkward postures, such as twisting, bending and long reaches while lifting; and long hours required to complete assigned tasks,” the OSHA press release reads.

“OSHA also reviewed on-site injury logs required by OSHA and discovered that Amazon warehouse workers experienced high rates of musculoskeletal disorders
. . . .”

Jeff Bezos makes, and made, his billions -- by extracting from labor. . . far more than a day's honest sweat. No, he is wantonly indifferent to the risks of injuries, and actual injuries his policies inflict on that labor. All to make the last few pennies of his capital gains. That is no fair trade -- and that is why a union is needed, to reign in his feckless excesses.

A day's labor should never be "simply assumed" to also cost the worker / cause life long, debilitating injuries.



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