Tuesday, January 17, 2023

An Amazon USDC Injunction Opinion We Didn't Cover Last Fall... Re JFK8 Unionization Efforts, And Amazon's Retaliation.

I won't belabor this, as we were simply out of bandwidth to cover Amazon fully last year, but the federal courts are growing. . . stuffed, with evidence of Amazon's bad faith, in violating the National Labor Relations Act (and rules set forth thereunder).

Here is that decision -- and a bit:

. . .[T]he Court concludes that the record amply supports the conclusion that there is reasonable cause to believe that Bryson was terminated in violation of Section 8(a)(1). Indeed, when viewed in light of the required deference, the record evidence before the Court amply supports Petitioner’s position that Bryson was engaged in protected activity, that Bryson’s protected conduct was a motivating factor in his discharge, and that Respondent’s stated reason for discharging Bryson was pretextual. . . .

Moreover, the ALJ’s findings and conclusion that Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) confirm that a finding of reasonable cause is warranted. In analyzing whether Respondent violated Section 8(a)(1) by discharging Bryson because of his protected concerted activity. . . .

Now you know. Smiling. . . and widely so. . . at nearly eleven pm, local -- in the evening.


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