Sunday, December 4, 2022

[SundayMorning, Over Coffee: Trivia] Michael Ramirez Is A Fabulously-Talented (If Hard Right) Political Cartoonist...

But I won't begrudge him the ability to make a very comfortable living pandering to the hard right outlets, which in general, have long-lacked any really serious cartooning talent (since the 1980s, at least).

[Why that is true is a topic for an entire book, or at least a long post of another day. To sum up, hard-right wing fantasies are mostly. . . unfunny. Prime example of that, at immediate right.]

But Doonesbury -- and my friend Rick Laurent (at left), and all the hundreds of other true geniuses. . . offer a reality based, or generally left to middle perspective. In any event, this Sunday morning, Powerline highlighted a Ramirez 'toon, that purports to criticize Mr. Biden for NOT speaking up more forcefully, in support of the "blank paper" protests now coursing through China -- related to lockdowns for COVID.

Maybe Mr. Biden could say more -- but Mr. Ramirez misses the fact that overnight, right here at home. . . Tangerine went full-on "Ye". [So I've helpfully improved his cartoon, as satire and commentary, at top-right. It goes with my critique of Mr. Hinderaker's sophistry, of last night, late. Cheers.]

Donald Trump, a previous Commander-in-Chief, in a clearly-prepared writing (not off the cuff / stump speech remarks), just called for the repeal (or at least suspension) of all election laws, state and federal -- and the US Constitution's similar provisions. . . to declare him the 2020 winner. . . due to (wait for it!) some Tweets. Amazing. Or perhaps. . . not so.


Ahh. . . okay.

GOP: Y'all better come get yo' boy.

He (like Ye) is clearly off his meds.

I just fervently hope. . . he stays in the race all the way to the GOP's 2024 nominating Convention.

There will be NO GOP left, by then.

Flawless. [My eldest daughter is (as of last night at 8 pm) off to London for a week of fun -- with friends. . . then returning here, to head to Colorado, and then to Arizona with us, in the third week of December. Sweet. . . but the house sure is quiet this morning. . . smile.]


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