Thursday, December 8, 2022

[U: Good Plaintiffs' Brief Filed!] In The Federal Class Action Expressly Invalidating All Non-Disclosure Agreements Tangerine Forced On Employees, From His Time At 1600 Penn... He's Failed To Meet Settlement Terms. Yawn.

UPDATED 12.10.2022 -- The plaintiffs filed a very cogent brief on Thursday night, late. Do read it. End, update.

Look. I get it. Tangerine is certainly in much, much "hotter water" elsewhere around the nation's federal court houses. But this one too, needs attention. It is in the federal district court, in Manhattan, and goes by the case number 20-cv-4737, there. [Many dozens of aids and employees and consultants are covered by this class action.]

And. . .Tangerine is late (again) -- after promising to work out a settlement with Omorosa and many others, related to his unlawful insistence that all of them sign NDAs before working in the White House, or on his campaigns (or for his wife, 2017-2021). Each involved employee should see a sizeable cash settlement. The Commander in Chief cannot forbid underlings from telling the truth about non-National Secret matters, when they saw his misconduct, or Melania's or Jared's or Ivanka's or Junior's. [It would also arguably invalidate the Wolkoff NDA at issue in the publishing of the book at right, on Melania.] Here's the latest:

. . .On November 2, 2022, this Court entered an order scheduling a settlement conference for December 13, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., and directing the parties to complete the Settlement Conference Summary Report and prepare pre-conference submissions, by no later than Tuesday, December 6, 2022.

The parties are directed to submit their pre-conference submissions by no later end of day on Friday, December 9, 2022, or the settlement conference will be adjourned. For further details, please refer to Judge Figueredos' Standing Order Applicable to Settlement Conferences. . . .

Never a dull moment, around this [largely dis-]organized crime syndicate. Wow.

Oh -- and the complete humiliation USDC Judge Aileen Cannon (SD FL), and Tangerine, both suffered -- in the Eleventh Circuit. . . is now final. He did not appeal to the Supremes in time. Hilarious.


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