Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Epilogue: Not Since FDR, In 1936...

The graphic pretty much says it all.

In every mid-term election from 1940 until this morning, the sitting President's party had lost seats in the Senate, at the mid-terms.

The conventional poly sci wisdom was that in the modern era, most often at least some substantial part of the electorate always feels the new administration is moving too fast, or too radically -- so they turn out to blunt that in the Senate, the upper chamber.

Here, as last was true in 1936, with Senator Warnock's historic Georgia win (the first full term for a black Senator from Georgia, since Reconstruction), Mr. Biden's party has not lost seats. . . in the Senate.

And, personally, it is gratifying to me at least that Sen. Joe Manchin (nearly R.) will not be the gate-keeper of the Democratic initiatives in the United States Senate -- he is no longer the "blocking" vote.

We may move forward, even if he opposes a measure, or a hearing, or. . . a criminal referral.

S W E E T.


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