Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Eleventh Circuit Mar-A-Lago-Stolen-Top-Secret-Documents Appeal Will Be Argued... Next Tuesday: Expedited.

We shall see, but I would expect Team Tangerine to lose, and lose "bigly", here. [My last substantive backgrounder on it all is here.]

This is an appeal of the denial of any stay, against the government's investigation of stolen top secret documents found at Mar-a-Lago. His time avoiding indictment is drawing to a close.

Here's the order (and if I'm not busy on Tuesday, I'll listen in; in any event there will be a live link to the audio stream here -- by Tuesday morning):

. . .ORDER: Counsel for each party is DIRECTED to appear on Tuesday, November 22, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., in Atlanta, Georgia, for the oral argument of this appeal. . . .

Sweet. . . . onward, grinning.


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