Friday, November 11, 2022

[U] So... Barbara S. Jones Is Likely To Be The Trump Org. Supervising Monitor In NY AG's Civil Frauds Suit...

Both sides named some names, last night. Three from the NY AG's office; Tangerine put forward only two.

But the one common name is one Trump also offered down in the Mar-a-Lago stolen top secret documents warrant execution case. She is a retired federal judge named Barbara Jones. She is extremely well qualified and very fair.

I think it highly likely the able NY state court judge will appoint her. And. . . here are some details, from Leticia James' cogent overnight letter:

. . .OAG respectfully proposes that the precise terms of the monitorship be set forth in a detailed monitorship order. Such an order would be consistent with the practice in other matters, would avoid ambiguity concerning the role of the monitor and would address any concerns that the monitorship could disrupt the day-to-day operations of the Trump Organization.

OAG anticipates a monitorship order in this case would address a number of issues including: (i) Authority for the monitor, with the Court’s approval, to retain appropriate professional services, such as accounting expertise; (ii) The terms of and process for compensation for the monitor and his or her agents; and (iii) The timing of any reports to the Court and OAG on the results of the monitor’s review. OAG is in the process of preparing such an order for the Court’s consideration and can review the terms before submission with the monitor and the Trump Organization. . . .

Pop the popcorn.

And, now. . . down in the top secrets case in federal court in Miami, Team Tangerine complains (natch'!) that the guy that he got appointed (the very able and impartial former USDC Judge Dearie) is doing his job. . . "too well."


He intends to interview NARA officials -- but Trump has complained to Aileen Cannon. Trump thinks all NARA officers are out to get him. Nope. They just want the law. . . obeyed.

Update -- here is Tangerine's turgid overnight brief in the Eleventh Circuit -- just for a complete record. It badly mis-states applicable law. Now you know.


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